Why Early Retirement Roth Conversions Can Matter: Navigating Tax Brackets After Spousal Loss
Married individuals often overlook a crucial aspect of long-term financial planning: preparing for the day when only one spouse remains. While this reality is unfortunately inevitable and could occur at any moment, it's a topic I'd like to address today

Keeping Track Of Your Finances In Retirement
Last week, we discussed the implications of having an emergency fund in retirement. In that article, I touched on a financial goal that many of our retiree clients are trending towards - simplifying their finances. Today, I want to delve deeper into some methods and technologies clients are using to achieve this.

Emergency Funds in Retirement
As someone transitions into retirement, it's worth revisiting the "why" behind your emergency fund. While there's still a place for an emergency fund for some, it may not carry the same weight it did during your working years. In other words, what worked well during your accumulation years might not be the most efficient strategy moving forward.